Service Law – Removal – Disciplinary proceedings – Judicial review – Principles of natural justice – Mental illness as a defense – Evidence in disciplinary inquiries – Removal held valid.
In the facts of the present case, the evidences adduced during the enquiry categorically supports the acts of misconduct alleged to have been committed by the petitioner. The enquiry report reveals that sufficient opportunities were granted to the petitioner to avail of defence assistance which was declined by the petitioner.
Opportunities for cross examine the witnesses and/or examining the witnesses in respect of any documents placed were also declined by the petitioner on the ground that he was suffering from mental illness and did not recall any such acts. The medical documents enclosed to the writ petition in support of his contention that he was hospitalized and was required to undergo treatment did not reveal that the petitioner was suffering from mental illness
No allegations of bias or personal malice has been alleged against any of the officers conducting the enquiry or the disciplinary proceedings. No defence witness in support of the petitioner was examined in spite of opportunities granted. There is no allegation that any of the provisions prescribed under the Act and the CISF Rules have been violated by the competent authority during the conduct of disciplinary proceedings and thereby grave prejudice was caused to the petitioner.
The only plea raised by the petitioner is that there was a violation of natural justice and he having suffered from mental illness, he did not recall any of the acts alleged to have been committed by him. This plea of the petitioner is belied by the evidences adduced during the Enquiry conduct as discussed above.
Removal from service held valid. Petition dismissed. (Para 32)
2023 STPL(Web) 179 Gauhati
[2024 STPL 1647 Gauhati]
Sri Gulshan Nand Vs. Union Of India
Writ Petition (C) No. 5846 of 2013-Decided on 7-11-2023