High Court has set aside the order dated 18.10.2012 passed by the Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench (‘CAT’ for short) in O.A. No.39 of 2011 and the order dated 01.04.2013 passed in the Review Application bearing R.A.No.43 of 2013. The CAT had thereby declined the relief sought by the respondents herein for parity in pay scales. (Para 1)
Whether in the facts and circumstances of the present case the High Court was justified in arriving at the conclusion that the provision contained in para 3.1.9 of the Sixth CPC would apply to the fact situation and in that regard whether it had rightly rejected the contention of the appellant herein that it ought to have been guided by para 3.1.14 of the recommendations. The contention as noted by the High Court is what was urged before us. In that regard, at the outset it is necessary to clarify that the conclusion as reached with regard to the parity in pay scale in the case of the employees who are members of the first respondent is basically due to the fact that they are employees in the headquarters of the Ordnance Factory and therefore they are similarly placed as that of the Assistants in CSS/CSSS Army Headquarters as well as such other similarly placed organisations referred to in the recommendations. If that be the position, the conclusion as reached by the High Court is unexceptionable. (Para 11)
Further, what was also taken into consideration by the High Court is the historical similarity in pay scales which existed prior to the recommendations in the Sixth CPC. (Para 13)
In the present facts the perusal of the judgment passed by the High Court impugned herein would indicate that the High Court having kept in view the legal, as well as the factual aspects, has not proceeded in a manner so as to equate two sets of employees in different organizations. But, keeping in view the recommendation of the Pay Commission and the applicability of the pay scales recommended to similarly placed employees employed in the headquarters and on noticing discrimination despite historical similarity has merely rectified the error, which does not call for interference. (Para 15)
2023 STPL(Web) 414 SC
[2023 INSC 995]
Union Of India & Ors. Vs. D.G.O.F. Employees Association And Anr.
Civil Appeal No.1663 of 2016-Decided on 9-11-2023