Service Law – Grant of promotional increments – Petitioners promoted to the post of Head Teacher prior to a specified date – Claim for promotional increments on par with incumbents promoted after the specified date – Implementation of court judgment in similar case – Direction for fresh representation.
The petitioners sought the grant of promotional increments to the post of Head Teacher from a specified date. They claimed that incumbents promoted after the specified date had been granted promotional increments under Fundamental Rule 22(1)(a)(i) of the Fundamental Rules. Referring to a previous judgment in a similar case, the petitioners argued that they were entitled to the same benefits.
The Additional Advocate General contended that the petitioners’ representation lacked required particulars and was pending. However, he agreed to examine the petitioners’ case if they made a fresh representation. The Court permitted the petitioners to make a fresh representation to the Director of Elementary Education within two weeks, with directions for consideration within six weeks, along with the pending representation dated 20.07.2023.
The Court clarified that it did not address the merits of the matter, leaving all questions of facts and law open. Accordingly, the writ petition and any pending miscellaneous applications were disposed of. (Para 5)
2023 STPL(Web) 303 HP
[2023 HHC 13092]
Chiranji Lal And Others Vs. State Of H.P. & Others
CWP No. 8773 of 2023-Decided on 8-11-2023