Civil Procedure Code, 1908 – Order VII Rule 11, Order I Rule 8(1) – Rejection of Plaint – Locus Standi – Interference, School Management Committee, Relief, Suit against Numerous Persons, Permission of the Court – The petitioners, defendants in Title Suit No. 55/2022, sought rejection of the plaint under Order VII Rule 11 of the CPC, which was dismissed. They contested the decision through a revision under Article 227 of the Constitution.
Contention raised that the plaintiff, School Management Committee Tinsukia English Academy, lacks locus standi as it was constituted by the Tinsukia English Academy Society, was accepted, but it was found that the committee had the right to sue for interference with its management affairs.
Provisions of Order VII Rule 11 were examined, concluding that the suit disclosed a cause of action and thus didn’t warrant rejection.
Second contention was that the suit essentially targeted the Tinsukia English Academy Society, necessitating compliance with Order I Rule 8(1) of the CPC. However, it was found that the relief sought was specific to restraining the defendants from interference, not against the society as a whole.
Emphasis placed on expeditious resolution of the matter, requesting completion within six months. (Para 18)
2023 STPL(Web) 172 Gauhati]
[2024 STPL 1640 Gauhati]
Satyanarayan Agarwal And Anr. Vs. School Management Committee Tinsukia English Academy And 2 Ors.
CRP(IO) 350 of 2023-Decided on 6-11-2023