Prevention of Damages to Public Property Act, 1984, Section 3, 4 – Quashing of FIR – Prevention of Damages to Public Property – FIR alleges constructions being raised over land, at least part whereof, is enemy property and under the control of the Custodian – one of the reasons given for quashing the proceedings under the Prevention of Damages to Public Property Act was that Section 67 of the Revenue Code, 2006 provides a complete procedure for dealing with encroachment/unauthorized occupation of Gaon Sabha land, which is a complete code in itself. Plea not accepted – Held: There is no bar for the institution and prosecution of Civil and Criminal proceedings regarding an act, if both have the mandate of law. In any case, an act can given rise to both criminal and civil liability and therefore, both civil and criminal proceedings can be resorted to simultaneously. Further held it cannot be read to mean that the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act can be invoked only where damage to public property is occasioned by vandalism, riots or public commotion. Matter falls within the mischief of law – No quashing. (Para 8, 9, 10)
2023 STPL(Web) 29 Allahabad
Amit Goel And 2 Others Vs. State Of U.P. And 2 Others
Criminal Misc. Writ Petition No. 5098 of 2023-Decided on 9-8-2023