Indian Penal Code, 1860 – Section 406 – Code of Criminal Procedure,1974 – Section 181 – Quashing of Criminal Proceedings – Jurisdiction – Held: Though the address of the petitioner in the cause title is given as a resident of Guwahati, however, reading the entire complaint this court finds no whisper/ any averment even remotely suggesting that a demand was made from Guwahati for return of the stridhan. Even there is no averment regarding any incident after the alleged demand of stridhan and non-return of stridhan demanded at Kolkata. There is no whisper, not to say any specific averment, how and under what circumstance she is now a resident of Guwahati or anything relating to the offence alleged, which is having any context or nexus or relevance to Guwahati except stating her address in cause title to be resident of Guwahati. This Court is of the unhesitant view that the Magistrate at Guwahati shall not have jurisdiction to proceed with the Complaint Case No. 681/2019 and therefore has committed illegality in taking cognizance of the offence under Section 406 IPC. Cognizance set aside and quashed. (Para 17, 19)
2023 STPL(Web) 163 Gauhati
Ashok Kumar Rathi And Anr. Vs. State Of Assam And Anr.
Case No. : Crl.Pet. 1385 of 2019-Decided on 10-10-2023