High Court allowed the Petitions filed by the respondents herein and quashed the Criminal Complaints filed by the appellants herein under Section 138 read with Sections 141 and 142 of the NI Act (Para 2)
All the cheques were dishonoured by the bank with a return memo stating the reason therein as ‘Funds Insufficient.’ Subsequently, the appellant no.1, issued a written notice dated 09.12.2019 to the respondent no.3 under Section 138 of the NI Act, calling upon the respondent no. 3 to pay the amount of the cheques to the appellant herein. (Para 3)
That the respondent no.1 had asserted before the High Court that during the period when cheques in question were issued, he had already resigned from the partnership firm, for which a notice was duly issued. However, the appellants’ argument is that a public notice announcing the retirement of the respondent no.1 as a partner was released for the first time on 09.02.2022, subsequent to the trial Court summoning the respondents. Till that point, there is no evidence on record to indicate that the respondent no.1 was not a partner of the firm. (Para 9)
The specific allegations made against the accused in the complaint, including the respondent no.1, were that they were incharge of and were responsible for the affairs of the respondent no.3 firm, for conduct of the business affairs of the firm. Thus, they were liable to be proceeded against and punished. The offence has been committed with the consent and connivance of the accused nos. 2 to 4, which included the respondent no.1. (Para 18)
As there are specific allegations against the respondent no.1 in the complaint and he was admittedly a partner in the partnership firm when the rent deed was executed, he is liable to face prosecution. Powers under Section 482 of the Code can be exercised by the High Court in case when it comes across unimpeachable and incontrovertible evidence to indicate that the partner of the firm did not have any concern with the issuance of cheques. The case in hand is not of that kind. (Para 20)
2023 STPL(Web) 203 SC
Riya Bawri Etc. Vs. Mark Alexander Davidson & Ors.
Criminal Appeal No(S) 2510-2552 of 2023 (Arising out of S.L.P. (Crl.) No (s).7483-7525 of 2022)-Decided on 23-8-2023