Executive Instructions under the Assam Land and Revenue Regulations, 1886 – Hindu Succession Act, 1956 – Appointment of Mouzadar – Principles of appointment and succession in public service – Public Service Recruitment
The petitioner challenges the validity of an order appointing the respondent no. 4 as the Mouzadar of Kampur Mouza, Nagaon, issued by the Commissioner, Central Assam Division, Nagaon, on the grounds of violation of executive instructions and principles of succession.
The petitioner’s husband, the former Mouzadar, passed away in 2021, leading to a vacancy in the position. Both the petitioner and the respondent no. 4, the deceased’s nephew, applied for the post.
The petitioner contends that the appointment violates executive instructions favoring family members’ succession and argues for the application of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, regarding succession rights.
The respondents argue that the appointment adheres to statutory provisions, considering the respondent no. 4’s higher educational qualification and family ties.
The Court examines the executive instructions and finds that while preference is given to family members, the appointment process is open, and there is no automatic devolution of the position to heirs. It rules that the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, pertaining to property devolution, does not apply to appointments in public service, emphasizing the relevance of qualifications and statutory provisions. Consequently, the Court dismisses the writ petition, upholding the appointment of the respondent no. 4 as Mouzadar. (Para 17-21)
2023 STPL(Web) 171 Gauhati
[2024 STPL 1639 Gauhati]
Dipi Goswami Vs. State Of Assam And 3 Ors.
WP(C) 4172 of 2022-Decided on 12-10-2023