Has upheld the judgment of the first appellate court, decreeing the suit for pre-emption filed by the plaintiffs (Para 3)
The impugned judgment is predicated on the legal position that status of co-sharers ceases to exist only after the final partition is affected on the execution of the instrument of partition under Section 121 of the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887[For short “the Revenue Act”], an enactment also applicable to the State of Haryana. This view and legal position are erroneous. (Para 4)
First, the Constitution Bench of this Court in case of “Shyam Sunder and Others v. Ram Kumar and Another” [(2001) 8 SCC 24] has held that for exercise of right of pre-emption, the pre-emptor should possess the right to pre-empt on the date of sale, and also on the date of the decree by the court of the first instance. (Para 5)
Secondly, joint status ceases when an order for division of the property under Section 118 of the Revenue Act is passed. Analogy is drawn from the provisions of Order XX, Rule 18, Sub Rule 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, as the preliminary decree of the partition decides the share and entitlement to division and separate possession. Consequential division by metes and bounds, are ministerial or administrative acts requiring physical inspection, measurements, calculations and consideration of various permutations, combinations or alternatives of division. The date on which the order under Section 118 of the Revenue Act is passed or the Naksha Bey is directed, is the date of partition. The rights and status of the parties stands decided. The joint status is severed on the date of the decision. The date on which an order under Section 121 of the Revenue Act is passed or Naksha Zeem is prepared and deed of partition is registered, is the follow up action, and not the date of actual partition. (Para 5)
2023 STPL(Web) 385 SC
[2023 INSC 926]
Ram Kishan & Another Vs. Daya Nand(D)Thr. Lrs & Others
Civil appeal no. 6610 of 2023 (arising out of slp (c) no. 30335 of 2018) with civil appeal no. of 2023 (arising out of SLP (C) No. 31904 of 2018)-Decided on 10-10-2023