(A) Policy Decisions – Does not mean sweet will of or whims and fancy of the person holding the position – Policy decision by the Government is taken in collective manner. Personal opinion of the person based on sudden thought sparked at the spur of moment in the mind of such person holding position in Government, does not become the Policy of the State.
“Policy” does not mean sweet will of or whims and fancy of the person holding the position. Admittedly, there is no black and white Policy decision that in case of no admission in courses in Educational Institutions, those courses are to be closed, discontinued or not permitted to be started by fresh applicant institutions. Therefore, decision of rejection by the Hon’ble Minister is amenable to the jurisdiction of Judicial Review conferred upon the High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India. (Para 21)
(B) Education – Grant of NOC to Start Course – Extraneous and Irrelevant consideration – Policy decisions – Interference by Court – Held: It is true that in Policy decisions, Courts have very limited scope for interference, but in present matter, decision taken by the Hon’ble Minister does not appear to be based on any Policy of the State. Had it been so, then definitely from the very initial stage of consideration of proposal such information would have been made part of the record to assess suitability of issuance of NOC – Decision of rejection is not based upon any survey, indicating that as on date there is no requirement of M. Pharmacy in Pharmacology in the country or a saturation point has arisen with respect to the number of persons available with degree of M. Pharmacy in Pharmacology.
I am of the considered opinion that reason assigned for rejecting the case for granting NOC is based on extraneous and irrelevant consideration and, thus, is not sustainable. Accordingly, the same is quashed and set aside. Respondent No.1 is directed to issue NOC to the Petitioner (Para 20, 25)
Citation: 2023 STPL(Web) 51 HP
Shiva Institute of Pharmacy Vs. The State of Himachal Pradesh & another
AT CWP No. 2743 of 2023-Decided on 28-07-2023