Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 – Section 20, 29 – NDPS – Conviction Upheld – Case proved – Held: Present is a case where the prosecution has proved the recovery of the alleged contraband/charas from the possession of accused persons. The so called material contradictions in the statements of prosecution witnesses, as pointed by learned defence counsel, are actually of trivial in nature, which do not affect the prosecution case at all. The statements of the prosecution witnesses are consistent and corroborate each and every facet of search, recovery, seizure, preparation of documents and arrest of the accused. Nothing has been brought to our notice, which can lead to even a semblance of an inference that the statements of prosecution witnesses, are either not trustworthy or do not inspire confidence. The statements of official witnesses, are coherent and natural. Recovery of contraband from accused persons, stands proved on record. The contradictions so pointed out by learned defence counsel in the statements of prosecution witnesses, are actually minor discrepancies, which in the facts and circumstances of instant case, do not affect the prosecution case, in any manner. (Para 4(iii))
2023 STPL(Web) 83 HP
Balwinder Singh & Another Vs. State Of Himachal Pradesh
Cr. Appeal No. 32 of 2017-Decided on 28-8-2019