Indian Penal Code, 1860 – Section 302, 498A – Murder – Fabricated Case – There were discrepancies, not only with regard to date of death of the deceased, but also with regard to the time of death of the deceased. Prosecution has deliberately not exhibited the Inquest Report – Held: The prosecution having failed to produce witnesses (doctors) and failing to exhibit documents to enable the appellant/accused to have all the opportunity available to him to prove his innocence, we are of the view that the advantage in the inherent weakness of the prosecution case should be to the advantage of the appellant.
We are of the view that it would not be proper to remand the matter after such a long period of time. There is every possibility of the doctors and the documents not being available any longer. In that view of the matter, we are of the view that it should be decided on the basis of the materials on record. Prosecution has not been able to prove the guilt of the appellant beyond all reasonable doubt. Conviction set aside. (Para 6, 35, 36)
Citation: 2023 STPL(Web) 2 Gauhati
Kalyan Barman, Bongaigaon, Assam Appellant Vs. State Of Assam, Represented By The Public Prosecutor, Assam Respondents
CRL.A(J) 102 of 2019-Decided on 31-07-2023