The High Court after examination of evidence of both the witnesses has disbelieved their version by recording detailed reasons. (Para 3)
Whether the view taken by the High Court is a possible view based on evidence, we have perused the evidence of both the prosecution witnesses and in addition, testimonies of PW- 9 and PW-12 who are the Investigating Officers. (Para 4)
It has come in the evidence of PW-7 that after the incident, the witness did not complain to the police. Moreover, he knew a close relative of the deceased Surjan Singh who was available on phone. However, PW-7 did not inform him. (Para 5)
The finding recorded by the High Court regarding unnatural conduct of PW-7 Balwinder Singh is certainly a possible finding which could have been recorded on the appreciation of the evidence of PW-7. (Para 5)
Though the prosecution case is that the statement of PW-7 was recorded on 23rd December, 1998 when he reached the spot around 12 noon in the afternoon, PW-9 ASI Baldev Singh who was at the site has not stated that he recorded the statement of PW-7. Moreover, the respondent was not immediately arrested. (Para 6)
Even otherwise, there is no evidence adduced by the prosecution to show that the respondent-accused closely knew PW-8 so that he could have reposed implicit faith in him and confessed about the alleged incident. In fact, the prosecution story of the respondent-accused confessing after so many days to a stranger is very doubtful and does not inspire confidence. (Para 7)
2023 STPL(Web) 160 SC
[2023 INSC 691]
State Of Punjab Vs. Paramjit Singh
Criminal Appeal No. 1306 of 2014-Decided on 2-8-2023