Challenge the constitutional validity of Sections 95 to 100 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 (Para 2)
The principle aims of the IBC are to promote investment, and resolution of insolvencies of corporate persons, firms, and individuals in a time bound manner. The IBC consolidated and amended a web of laws which had led to an ineffective and inefficient mechanism for resolution of insolvencies marked with significant delays. (Para 3)
Part III of the IBC deals with insolvency resolution and bankruptcy for individuals and partnership firms. Chapter III of Part III which is titled “Insolvency Resolution Process” (“IRP”) comprises of Sections 94 to 120. Prior to the introduction of the IBC, insolvency in relation to individuals was governed by the provisions of the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act 1909 and the Provincial Insolvency Act 1920, both of which stand repealed. (Para 4)
The provisions of the IBC apply to personal guarantors to corporate debtors. (Para 5)
In view of the above analysis, it now becomes necessary to analyse as to whether there is any substance in the challenge to the constitutional validity of the provisions of Sections 95 to 100. We have already indicated that the function of the resolution professional under Section 99 is purely facilitative. The task before the resolution professional is not to adjudicate but to collate and collect information on the application under Section 94 or Section 95 before submitting a report to the adjudicating authority. When interpreting Part II of the IBC, the Courts have inferred the necessity of granting an opportunity to a debtor before initiating the insolvency resolution process against them. This includes the provision of a copy of the application and all relevant documents. Although Section 100 of the IBC does not explicitly mention a hearing for a debtor, the requirement of a hearing has to be read into Section 100. In legal interpretation, when a statute is silent on a specific aspect, like a hearing, and there is no explicit prohibition, the courts may imply or read in such a requirement. [Swadeshi Cotton Mills v. Union of India, (1981) 1 SCC 664; Mangilal v. State of M.P., (2004) 2 SCC 447 and Manohar v. State of Maharashtra, (2012) 13 SCC 14.] The key point is that the lack of explicit mention of a hearing in a provision does not automatically make it unconstitutional because such a requirement can be read into the statute. (Para 79)
The second incidental submission which was urged is that the provisions of Sections 95 to 100 are retroactive in nature since they would operate in respect of guarantees which may have been executed before the statutory provisions were brought into force. It is a well settled principle that a law is not retrospective in nature merely because some parts of the cause of action on which the law operates has arisen in the past. Prior to the commencement of the IBC, the field was governed by the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act 1909 and the Provincial Insolvency Act 1920. With the enactment of the IBC, the insolvency resolution process in relation to individuals and partnership firms is governed by Part III of the IBC. The IBC cannot be held as operating in a retroactive manner so as to violate Article 14 of the Constitution. (Para 84)
For the above reasons, we have come to the conclusion that the impugned provisions of the IBC do not suffer from any manifest arbitrariness so as to offend Article 14 of the Constitution. This is subject to the clarification on the interpretation of Section 99 in the text of this judgement. (Para 85)
We summarise the conclusion of this judgment below:
(i) No judicial adjudication is involved at the stages envisaged in Sections 95 to Section 99 of the IBC;
(ii) The resolution professional appointed under Section 97 serves a facilitative role of collating all the facts relevant to the examination of the application for the commencement of the insolvency resolution process which has been preferred under Section 94 or Section 95. The report to be submitted to the adjudicatory authority is recommendatory in nature on whether to accept or reject the application;
(iii) The submission that a hearing should be conducted by the adjudicatory authority for the purpose of determining ‘jurisdictional facts’ at the stage when it appoints a resolution professional under Section 97(5) of the IBC is rejected. No such adjudicatory function is contemplated at that stage. To read in such a requirement at that stage would be to rewrite the statute which is impermissible in the exercise of judicial review;
(iv) The resolution professional may exercise the powers vested under Section 99(4) of the IBC for the purpose of examining the application for insolvency resolution and to seek information on matters relevant to the application in order to facilitate the submission of the report recommending the acceptance or rejection of the application;
(v) There is no violation of natural justice under Section 95 to Section 100 of the IBC as the debtor is not deprived of an opportunity to participate in the process of the examination of the application by the resolution professional;
(vi) No judicial determination takes place until the adjudicating authority decides under Section 100 whether to accept or reject the application. The report of the resolution professional is only recommendatory in nature and hence does not bind the adjudicatory authority when it exercises its jurisdiction under Section 100;
(vii) The adjudicatory authority must observe the principles of natural justice when it exercises jurisdiction under Section 100 for the purpose of determining whether to accept or reject the application;
(viii) The purpose of the interim-moratorium under Section 96 is to protect the debtor from further legal proceedings; and
(ix) The provisions of Section 95 to Section 100 of the IBC are not unconstitutional as they do not violate Article 14 and Article 21 of the Constitution. (Para 86)
The writ petitions are accordingly dismissed. (Para 87)
2023 STPL(Web) 443 SC
[2023 INSC 1018]
Dilip B Jiwrajka Vs. Union Of India & Ors.
Writ Petition (Civil) No 1281 of 2021 with W.P.(C) No. 149/2022 W.P.(C) No. 307/2022 W.P.(C) No. 308/2022 W.P.(C) No. 525/2022 W.P.(C) No. 472/2022 W.P.(C) No. 528/2022 W.P.(C) No. 519/2022 W.P.(C) No. 544/2022 W.P.(C) No. 546/2022 W.P.(C) No. 599/2022 W.P.(C) No. 600/2022 W.P.(C) No. 597/2022 W.P.(C) No. 590/2022 W.P.(C) No. 611/2022 W.P.(C) No. 615/2022 W.P.(C) No. 622/2022 W.P.(C) No. 596/2022 W.P.(C) No. 703/2022 W.P.(C) No. 705/2022 W.P.(C) No. 753/2022 W.P.(C) No. 826/2022 W.P.(C) No. 984/2022 W.P.(C) No. 812/2022 W.P.(C) No. 809/2022 W.P.(C) No. 818/2022 W.P.(C) No. 825/2022 W.P.(C) No. 910/2022 W.P.(C) No. 925/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1062/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1004/2022 W.P.(C) No. 929/2022 W.P.(C) No. 937/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1027/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1113/2022 W.P.(C) No. 89/2023 W.P.(C) No. 133/2023 W.P.(C) No. 216/2023 W.P.(C) No. 403/2022 W.P.(C) No. 385/2022 W.P.(C) No. 388/2022 W.P.(C) No. 395/2022 W.P.(C) No. 394/2022 W.P.(C) No. 424/2022 W.P.(C) No. 443/2022 W.P.(C) No. 428/2022 W.P.(C) No. 709/2022 W.P.(C) No. 418/2022 W.P.(C) No. 416/2022 W.P.(C) No. 417/2022 W.P.(C) No. 491/2022 W.P.(C) Diary No. 18674/2022 W.P.(C) No. 485/2022 W.P.(C) No. 486/2022 W.P.(C) No. 467/2022 W.P.(C) No. 471/2022 W.P.(C) No. 478/2022 W.P.(C) No. 530/2022 W.P.(C) No. 541/2022 W.P.(C) No. 559/2022 W.P.(C) No. 551/2022 W.P.(C) No. 567/2022 W.P.(C) No. 578/2022 W.P.(C) No. 755/2022 W.P.(C) No. 570/2022 W.P.(C) No. 616/2022 W.P.(C) No. 560/2022 W.P.(C) No. 583/2022 W.P.(C) No. 582/2022 W.P.(C) No. 654/2022 W.P.(C) No. 652/2022 W.P.(C) No. 638/2022 W.P.(C) No. 635/2022 W.P.(C) No. 601/2022 W.P.(C) No. 634/2022 W.P.(C) No. 649/2022 W.P.(C) No. 647/2022 W.P.(C) No. 668/2022 W.P.(C) No. 657/2022 W.P.(C) No. 684/2022 W.P.(C) No. 655/2022 W.P.(C) No. 674/2022 W.P.(C) No. 692/2022 W.P.(C) No. 510/2022 W.P.(C) No. 714/2022 W.P.(C) No. 729/2022 W.P.(C) No. 663/2022 W.P.(C) No. 726/2022 W.P.(C) No. 666/2022 W.P.(C) No. 670/2022 W.P.(C) No. 776/2022 W.P.(C) No. 760/2022 W.P.(C) No. 696/2022 W.P.(C) No. 707/2022 W.P.(C) No. 736/2022 W.P.(C) No. 887/2022 W.P.(C) No. 885/2022 W.P.(C) No. 766/2022 W.P.(C) No. 683/2022 W.P.(C) No. 791/2022 W.P.(C) No. 794/2022 W.P.(C) No. 700/2022 W.P.(C) No. 716/2022 W.P.(C) No. 717/2022 W.P.(C) No. 733/2022 W.P.(C) No. 720/2022 W.P.(C) No. 724/2022 W.P.(C) No. 773/2022 W.P.(C) No. 816/2022 W.P.(C) No. 752/2022 W.P.(C) No. 789/2022 W.P.(C) No. 759/2022 W.P.(C) No. 754/2022 W.P.(C) No. 781/2022 W.P.(C) No. 785/2022 W.P.(C) No. 803/2022 W.P.(C) No. 784/2022 W.P.(C) No. 807/2022 W.P.(C) No. 800/2022 W.P.(C) No. 834/2022 W.P.(C) No. 821/2022 W.P.(C) No. 832/2022 W.P.(C) No. 858/2022 W.P.(C) No. 835/2022 W.P.(C) No. 837/2022 W.P.(C) No. 863/2022 W.P.(C) No. 894/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1084/2022 W.P.(C) No. 839/2022 W.P.(C) No. 830/2022 W.P.(C) No. 886/2022 W.P.(C) No. 854/2022 W.P.(C) No. 868/2022 W.P.(C) No. 842/2022 W.P.(C) No. 862/2022 W.P.(C) No. 884/2022 W.P.(C) No. 870/2022 W.P.(C) No. 873/2022 W.P.(C) No. 909/2022 W.P.(C) No. 849/2022 W.P.(C) No. 831/2022 W.P.(C) No. 843/2022 W.P.(C) No. 901/2022 W.P.(C) No. 907/2022 W.P.(C) No. 917/2022 W.P.(C) No. 916/2022 W.P.(C) No. 845/2022 W.P.(C) No. 889/2022 W.P.(C) No. 922/2022 W.P.(C) No. 924/2022 W.P.(C) No. 921/2022 W.P.(C) No. 935/2022 W.P.(C) No. 893/2022 W.P.(C) No. 895/2022 W.P.(C) No. 914/2022 W.P.(C) No. 900/2022 W.P.(C) No. 920/2022 W.P.(C) No. 923/2022 W.P.(C) No. 938/2022 W.P.(C) No. 934/2022 W.P.(C) No. 949/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1121/2022 W.P.(C) No. 822/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1061/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1042/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1041/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1040/2022 W.P.(C) Diary No. 29889/2022 W.P.(C) No. 941/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1072/2022 W.P.(C) No. 945/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1043/2022 W.P.(C) No. 947/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1044/2022 W.P.(C) No. 976/2022 W.P.(C) No. 952/2022 W.P.(C) No. 972/2022 W.P.(C) No. 905/2022 W.P.(C) No. 939/2022 W.P.(C) No. 997/2022 W.P.(C) No. 8/2023 W.P.(C) No. 957/2022 W.P.(C) No. 992/2022 W.P.(C) No. 996/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1099/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1048/2022 W.P.(C) No. 5/2023 W.P.(C) Diary No(s). 36132/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1003/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1008/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1006/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1007/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1033/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1032/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1083/2022 W.P.(C) No. 11/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1114/2022 W.P.(C) No. 17/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1117/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1118/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1147/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1139/2022 W.P.(C) No. 1149/2022 W.P.(C) No. 94/2023 W.P.(C) No. 13/2023 W.P.(C) No. 81/2023 W.P.(C) No. 127/2023 W.P.(C) No. 73/2023 W.P.(C) No. 46/2023 W.P.(C) No. 92/2023 W.P.(C) No. 91/2023 W.P.(C) No. 61/2023 W.P.(C) No. 72/2023 W.P.(C) No. 70/2023 W.P.(C) No. 111/2023 W.P.(C) No. 120/2023 W.P.(C) No. 109/2023 W.P.(C) No. 96/2023 W.P.(C) No. 110/2023 W.P.(C) No. 114/2023 W.P.(C) No. 117/2023 W.P.(C) No. 134/2023 W.P.(C) No. 145/2023 W.P.(C) Diary No(s). 36130/2022 W.P.(C) Diary No(s). 40974/2022 W.P.(C) Diary No(s). 42246/2022 W.P.(C) No. 118/2023 W.P.(C) No. 77/2023 W.P.(C) No. 173/2023 W.P.(C) No. 233/2023 W.P.(C) No. 166/2023 W.P.(C) Diary No(s). 4241/2023 W.P.(C) Diary No(s). 4379/2023 W.P.(C) No. 161/2023 W.P.(C) No. 181/2023 W.P.(C) No. 183/2023 W.P.(C) No. 286/2023 W.P.(C) No. 298/2023 W.P.(C) No. 182/2023 W.P.(C) No. 194/2023 W.P.(C) No. 285/2023 W.P.(C) No. 189/2023 W.P.(C) No. 180/2023 W.P.(C) No. 609/2023 W.P.(C) No. 245/2023 W.P.(C) No. 203/2023 W.P.(C) No. 215/2023 W.P.(C) No. 200/2023 W.P.(C) No. 265/2023 W.P.(C) No. 249/2023 W.P.(C) No. 295/2023 W.P.(C) No. 217/2023 W.P.(C) No. 237/2023 W.P.(C) No. 236/2023 W.P.(C) No. 234/2023 W.P.(C) No. 361/2023 W.P.(C) No. 326/2023 W.P.(C) No. 329/2023 W.P.(C) No. 347/2023 W.P.(C) No. 332/2023 W.P.(C) No. 324/2023 W.P.(C) No. 338/2023 W.P.(C) No. 403/2023 W.P.(C) No. 383/2023 W.P.(C) No. 417/2023 W.P.(C) No. 588/2023 W.P.(C) No. 363/2023 W.P.(C) No. 424/2023 W.P.(C) No. 402/2023 W.P.(C) No. 422/2023 W.P.(C) No. 476/2023 W.P.(C) No. 433/2023 W.P.(C) No. 413/2023 W.P.(C) No. 426/2023 W.P.(C) No. 458/2023 W.P.(C) No. 459/2023 W.P.(C) No. 465/2023 W.P.(C) No. 454/2023 W.P.(C) No. 448/2023 W.P.(C) No. 521/2023 W.P.(C) No. 584/2023 W.P.(C) No. 546/2023 W.P.(C) No. 694/2023 W.P.(C) No. 693/2023 W.P.(C) No. 566/2023 W.P.(C) No. 528/2023 W.P.(C) No. 541/2023 W.P.(C) No. 557/2023 W.P.(C) No. 542/2023 W.P.(C) No. 553/2023 W.P.(C) No. 602/2023 W.P.(C) No. 596/2023 W.P.(C) No. 657/2023 W.P.(C) No. 620/2023 W.P.(C) No. 634/2023 W.P.(C) No. 652/2023 W.P.(C) No. 643/2023 W.P.(C) No. 647/2023 W.P.(C) No. 649/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1192/2023 W.P.(C) No. 212/2023 W.P.(C) No. 480/2023 W.P.(C) No. 683/2023 W.P.(C) No. 797/2023 W.P.(C) No. 798/2023 W.P.(C) No. 885/2023 W.P.(C) No. 811/2023 W.P.(C) Diary No(s). 20508/2023 W.P.(C) No. 601/2023 W.P.(C) No. 663/2023 W.P.(C) No. 617/2023 W.P.(C) No. 641/2023 W.P.(C) No. 690/2023 W.P.(C) No. 639/2023 W.P.(C) No. 729/2023 W.P.(C) No. 728/2023 W.P.(C) No. 743/2023 W.P.(C) No. 711/2023 W.P.(C) No. 667/2023 W.P.(C) No. 668/2023 W.P.(C) No. 684/2023 W.P.(C) No. 778/2023 W.P.(C) No. 786/2023 W.P.(C) No. 709/2023 W.P.(C) No. 734/2023 W.P.(C) No. 770/2023 W.P.(C) No. 735/2023 W.P.(C) No. 774/2023 W.P.(C) No. 740/2023 W.P.(C) No. 731/2023 W.P.(C) No. 751/2023 W.P.(C) No. 818/2023 W.P.(C) No. 861/2023 W.P.(C) No. 883/2023 W.P.(C) No. 903/2023 W.P.(C) No. 779/2023 W.P.(C) No. 845/2023 W.P.(C) No. 791/2023 W.P.(C) No. 839/2023 W.P.(C) No. 787/2023 W.P.(C) No. 871/2023 W.P.(C) No. 810/2023 W.P.(C) No. 805/2023 W.P.(C) No. 803/2023 W.P.(C) No. 795/2023 W.P.(C) No. 842/2023 W.P.(C) No. 924/2023 W.P.(C) No. 919/2023 W.P.(C) No. 926/2023 W.P.(C) No. 920/2023 W.P.(C) No. 997/2023 W.P.(C) No. 886/2023 W.P.(C) No. 915/2023 W.P.(C) No. 936/2023 W.P.(C) No. 954/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1021/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1052/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1004/2023 W.P.(C) No. 973/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1023/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1016/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1026/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1041/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1090/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1116/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1094/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1145/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1101/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1065/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1071/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1095/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1111/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1068/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1110/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1040/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1132/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1107/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1171/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1221/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1233/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1217/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1194/2023 W.P.(C) No. 1242/2023-Decided on 9-11-2023