(A) Foreigners’ Act, 1946 – Foreigner Act – Declaration of Petitioner as foreigner – Writ against – Lacuna in Examination in Chief – Held: State authorities are cross examining the witness of the proceedee in such manner so that the lacuna that may have been in the evidence rendered in the examination-in-chief is sought to be filled up by the State authorities by putting appropriate questions in the cross examination so that the lacuna of the proceedee itself can be filled up. Matter stands remanded back to the Tribunal to enable the State authorities to cross examine – Till the reasoned order is passed, no coercive action be taken against the petitioner. (Para 9, 12, 15)
(B) Evidence Act, 1872 – Section 50 – Evidence – To establish a relationship – The relevant provisions to establish a relationship is provided under Section 50 of the Evidence Act wherein it is provided that a relationship can be established by recording evidence of a member of the family or any other person who has a special means of knowledge of the existence of the relationship. (Para 6)
(C) Evidence – Section 137 – Evidence – Cross Examination – Section 137 of the Evidence Act provides for examination-in-chief and cross examination i.e. the examination of a witness of a party who calls him shall be called his examination-in-chief and the examination of a witness by the adverse party shall be called his cross examination. The purpose of cross examination under the law is to enable the other party to rebut or bring down the veracity of the evidence that may have been rendered by one of the parties in their examination-in-chief. Cross examination cannot be understood to be a requirement of the other party to come in an aid of a party deposing in their examination-in-chief so that whatever shortcoming or lacuna is there in the examination-in-chief would be filled up. (Para 9)
2023 STPL(Web) 38 Gauhati
Jamila Khatun Vs. Union Of India And 7 Ors
WP(C) 6705 of 2021-Decided on 14-8-2023