The learned Principal District Judge reversed the judgment and decree dated 22nd December, 2007, passed by the learned Civil Judge (Senior Division) Chikodi[In Original Suit No. 73/05] whereunder the suit instituted by the appellants for seeking a declaration to the effect that the appellant no. 1 was the legally wedded wife of Late Subedar Pundalik Bhave[For short “Late Subedar Bhave”] and the appellants no. 2 and 3 are their legitimate children, was decreed in their favour and it was held that they were entitled to the pensionary benefits payable by the respondents herein and standing in the name of the deceased Subedar Bhave. (Para 2)
Whether the appellants would be entitled to claim pensionary benefits of Late. Subedar Bhave in the facts of the instant case where he had got married to the appellant No.1 during the subsistence of his marriage with Anusuya, but, subsequently a decree of divorce was passed, dissolving the said marriage. (Para 8)
It can be discerned from the aforesaid line of decisions that the law infers a presumption in favour of a marriage when a man and woman have continuously cohabitated for a long spell. No doubt, the said presumption is rebuttable and can be rebutted by leading unimpeachable evidence. When there is any circumstance that weakens such a presumption, courts ought not to ignore the same. The burden lies heavily on the party who seeks to question the cohabitation and to deprive the relationship of a legal sanctity. (Para 20)
The deceased had approached the respondent authorities for seeking deletion of the name of his previous wife – Anusuya from his service record and for endorsement of the name of the appellant No. 1 therein, which was duly acted upon by the respondents vide letter dated 05th July, 1999. It is also not in dispute that the ex-wife did not claim any pension from the respondents on the demise of Subedar Bhave. (Para 21)
2023 STPL(Web) 188 SC
[2023 INSC 744]
Smt. Shiramabai Vs. Captain, Record Officer For O.I.C. Records, Sena Corps Abhilekh, Gaya, Bihar State And Another
Civil Appeal No. 5262 of 2023 Arising Out of Petition For Special Leave To Appeal(Civil) No. 29319 of 2019-Decided on 18-8-2023