Dismissing an application which sought rejection of the respondent’s election petition. The appellant had contended that the election petition (hereafter “the petition”) did not disclose any cause of action and was barred in law and was liable to be rejected. (Para 1)
The elector or voter’s right to know about the full background of a candidate- evolved through court decisions- is an added dimension to the rich tapestry of our constitutional jurisprudence. Keeping this in mind, this court is of the opinion that if the appellant’s contentions were to be accepted, there would be a denial of a full-fledged trial, based on the acknowledgement that material facts were not suppressed. Whether the existence of a criminal case, where a charge has not been framed, in relation to an offence which does not possibly carry a prison sentence, or a sentence for a short spell in prison, and whether conviction in a case, where penalty was imposed, are material facts, are contested. This court would be pre-judging that issue because arguendo if the effect of withholding some such information is seen as insignificant, by itself, that would not negate the possibility of a conclusion based on the cumulative impact of withholding of facts and non-compliance with statutory stipulations (which is to be established in a trial). For these reasons, this court is of the opinion that the impugned judgment cannot be faulted. (Para 28)
Citation: 2023 STPL(Web) 80 SC
Bhim Rao Baswanth Rao Patil Vs. K. Madan Mohan Rao & ors.
Civil Appeal No(S). 4632 of 2023 [Arising Out of Special Leave Petition (C) No. 6614 of 2023]-Decided on 24-7-2023
Click to See Full Text of Judgment: 2023 STPL(Web) 80 SC