Education – Left course on apprehension that it is not recognised for governmentt employment – Writ for appropriate relief – Held: No material is available before the Court that the writ petitioners had undertaken any effort to get it verified from the authorities in the Medical Education Department and Health Department of the Government of Assam as to whether the qualification that would be obtained from the Assam Down Town University would be acceptable to the Government of Assam or not. We provide that any of the writ petitioners who had not continued and completed the courses, if desires, to approach the Director of Tea Tribes and Adivasi Welfare, Assam in respect of the writ petitioners belonging to the Tea Tribes community, or the authorities in the Thengal Kachari Autonomous Council in respect of those writ petitioners to belong to the Thengal Kachari community and the two authorities shall do the needful and coordinate with the Assam Down Town University to facilitate the process of the writ petitioners who desire to continue and complete their respective courses. (Para 8, 18)
2023 STPL(Web) 155 Gauhati
Miss Anamika Kurmi And 73 Ors. Vs. State Of Assam And 6 Ors.
WP(C) 3299 of 2015-Decided on 10-10-2023