Indian Penal Code, 1860 – Sections 304-B, 498-A, 201 – Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 – Section 4 – Dowry Death – Conviction of Mother in Law reversed – Credibility of Witnesses – Modification of Sentence – The deceased’s brother reported her death on 19.9.2015, alleging torture and murder by the accused due to unmet dowry demands. Although the defense claimed illness as the cause of death, inconsistencies in testimonies and the defense’s contradictory statements led the court to conclude that the death was unnatural.
Witnesses testified to the ongoing demand for dowry, corroborating the prosecution’s claim of harassment. Despite initial denials, the accused’s eventual admission of the deceased’s suicide further supported the prosecution’s case.
The court upheld the conviction of the husband under Section 304-B IPC, considering the evidence of dowry harassment and the unnatural death within seven years of marriage. However, the conviction of the mother-in-law was reversed due to insufficient evidence linking her to the dowry demands and the deceased’s separate living arrangement.
Despite the seriousness of the offense, the court found no justification for awarding life imprisonment to the husband. Citing precedents, the court reduced the sentence to the period already served, considering mitigating factors such as the accused’s age and contribution to the family. (Para 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, and 23)
2024 AHC 84209
Vedram And Anr. Vs. State Of U.P.
Criminal Appeal No. – 5227 of 2019 With Criminal Appeal No. – 2720 of 2024-Decided on 10-05-2024