Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, Section 143A(1) – Dishonour of Cheque – Grant of interim compensation – Whether the provision of sub-section (1) of Section 143A of the Act, 1881 which provides for the grant of interim compensation, is directory or mandatory? – Held that the exercise of power under sub-section (1) of Section 143Ais discretionary – The provision is directory and not mandatory – The word “may” used in the provision cannot be construed as “shall” – While deciding the prayer made under Section 143A, the Court must record brief reasons indicating consideration of all relevant factors – The broad parameters for exercising the discretion under Section 143A are as follows:
i. The Court will have to prima facie evaluate the merits of the case made out by the complainant and the merits of the defence pleaded by the accused in the reply to the application. The financial distress of the accused can also be a consideration.
ii.A direction to pay interim compensation can be issued, only if the complainant makes out a prima facie case.
iii. If the defence of the accused is found to be prima facie plausible, the Court may exercise discretion in refusing to grant interim compensation.
iv. If the Court concludes that a case is made out to grant interim compensation, it will also have to apply its mind to the quantum of interim compensation to be granted. While doing so, the Court will have to consider several factors such as the nature of the transaction, the relationship, if any, between the accused and the complainant, etc.
v. There could be several other relevant factors in the peculiar facts of a given case, which cannot be exhaustively stated. The parameters stated above are not exhaustive. (Para 19)
2024 STPL(Web) 168 SC
[2024 INSC 205]
Rakesh Ranjan Shrivastava Vs. State Of Jharkhand & Anr.
Criminal Appeal No. 741 of 2024-Decided on 15-03-2024