Applications have been filed by both Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) and Mumbai International Airport Limited (MIAL) predicated on the discovery of what is stated to be a ‘new and important piece of evidence’, which was not within the knowledge of the applicants even after exercising due diligence. (Para 2)
We are of the view that the nature of jurisdiction exercised by this Court is predicated on two specialist authorities/tribunals having applied their mind to it. It would be difficult to have a re-appreciation of evidence and facts, especially when the admitted position is that the TDSAT has not opined on it. It would thus not be appropriate to venture into this aspect. However, this letter being in the nature of an internal communication privy to the non-applicants, we believe it should have been placed before the concerned authorities. Whether it has any impact or not, it would be difficult for us to say at this stage until the opinion of the TDSAT is available. (Para 14)
We are, thus, inclined to adopt the alternative prayer of the applicants by directing that the effect of this document ought to be examined by the TDSAT. (Para 15)
2023 STPL(Web) 461 SC
[2023 INSC 1046]
Delhi International Airport Ltd. Vs. Airports Economic Regulatory Authority & Ors.
Miscellaneous Application No. 1721 of 2023 in C.A. No.8378 of 2018 with Miscellaneous Application No.1710 of 2023 in C.A. No.5401 of 2019-Decided on 04-12-2023