The trial court[15th Additional Judge, Indore to the District Judge, Indore, (MP)] had decreed the suit[Civil Suit No. 2A/1993] filed by the predecessor-in-interest of the appellants, whereas the High Court had reversed the judgment and decree of the trial court, i.e., the judgment impugned in the present appeal. (Para 2)
In the aforesaid undisputed factual matrix, learned senior counsel for the appellants submitted that well-reasoned judgment of the trial court has been reversed by the High Court in first appeal without discussing the entire evidence on record, which it was dutybound to. By passing a short order, the findings have been reversed without giving any reason. (Para 4)
We have briefly noticed the material which has not been considered by the High Court while appreciating the evidence produced on record by the parties, especially in the first appeal where it is the duty of the court to address all the issues and decide the case by giving reasons. The First Appellate Court is required to record its findings dealing with all the issues of law as well as fact and with the evidence, oral as well as documentary, led by the parties. The judgment of the First Appellate Court must show conscious application of mind. The findings should be supported by reasons on all the issues and contentions. (Para 14)
In the case in hand, the High Court being the First Appellate Court had not referred to the evidence produced on record by the parties on various issues for re-appreciation and has recorded the finding referring to the evidence in part. The judgment and decree of the Trial Court was reversed. In that situation, the onus was more on the First Appellate Court to have discussed the entire evidence in detail. (Para 15)
For the reasons mentioned above, the impugned judgment of the High Court is set aside, and the matter is remitted back to the High Court for fresh consideration. The matter being quite old, we request the High Court to give it priority in disposal. (Para 16)
2023 STPL(Web) 453 SC
[2023 INSC 980]
Sabir Hussain (Dead) Thr. Lrs. And Ors. Vs. Syed Mohammad Hassan (Dead) Thr. Lrs. And Anr.
Civil Appeal No. 5049 of 2009-Decided on 6-11-2023