Constitution of India – Article 21, 226 – CBI Investigation – Allowed – Investigation Transfer – The petitioner, wife of a missing individual allegedly kidnapped for political reasons, approached the Gauhati High Court seeking transfer of investigation from the State Police to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).Despite efforts by the Assam Police and a Special Investigation Team (SIT), no significant progress was made in the investigation, and the whereabouts of the victim remained unknown for over seven years.
The petitioner argued that the case involved a clear violation of fundamental rights and political motives, necessitating the intervention of a specialized agency like the CBI for a fair investigation.
The Court, after considering submissions and precedent, held that it had jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution to order a CBI investigation without the consent of the State, emphasizing its duty to protect fundamental rights. Relying on precedents, the Court concluded that the circumstances of the case warranted a CBI investigation to ensure justice and safeguard citizens’ rights.
The writ petition was allowed, directing the State authorities to transfer the investigation to the CBI, emphasizing expeditious proceedings to bring closure to the case. Important Paragraphs: (Para 14, 15, 17 )
2023 STPL(Web) 170 Gauhati
[2024 STPL 1638 Gauhati]
Jaisodi Thaosen @ Jaisodi Kemprai Vs. State Of Assam And 2 Ors.
WP(C) 259 of 2022-Decided on 12-10-2023