In view of the conspiracy, as discussed above, and the facts at hand, including mitigating circumstances as against the punishment of death penalty, we consider it a fit case to award life imprisonment without remission, extending to natural life of A3, A5, A6 and A9.
The record reveals it is only on the prodding on the part of the judiciary that the trial could be completed after more than a decade. The delay, be it for whatever reason, attributable to the judge incharge or the prosecution, has certainly compromised national interest. Expeditious trial of such cases is the need of the hour, especially when it concerns national security and the common man. Regrettably, enough vigilance was not displayed by the investigating as well as the judicial authorities. A prominent market in the heart of the capital city is attacked and we may point out that it has not been dealt with the required degree of promptitude and attention. To our great dismay, we are forced to observe that this may be due to the involvement of influential persons which is evident from the fact that out of several accused persons, only few have been put to trial. In our considered view, the matter ought to have been handled with urgency and sensitivity at all levels.
Citation: 2023 STPL(WEB) 52 SC
Decided on 6-7-2023
Click to See Full Text of Judgement: 2023 STPL(WEB) 52 SC