Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 – Order 6, Rule 17- Amendment of pleadings – No exceptional circumstance made out – Appeal against dismissal of application for amendment of pleadings – Held: It is not in dispute that not only the trial had begun, the Suit itself was finally adjudicated and dismissed, it is only at the appellate stage that the application was filed for amendment. The proviso makes it clear that amendment are not to be allowed after the trial has commenced and such amendment can be allowed only under exceptional circumstances where, in spite of due diligence the party could not have been raised the matter before the commencement of trial.
The amendment sought for would be hit by the proviso of Order VI Rule 17 of the CPC and no exceptional circumstance has been able to be made out and rather allowing the amendment at this stage would be causing prejudice to the defendants on whose contest, an inter parte order has been passed by the learned Trial Court dismissing the Suit, which is the subject matter of the appeal. (Para 7, 9)
2023 STPL(Web) 43 Gauhati
Md. Arman Hussain And 2 Ors. Vs. Anowara Sultana @ Rehena And 7 Ors.
CRP(IO) 259 of 2023-Decided on 14-8-2023