Whereby, both the judgments of the First Appeal Court and the Trial Court were set aside and the suit of the plaintiff appellant was dismissed on the ground of limitation being barred by time. (Para 1)
It accordingly held that the period of 12 years for perfecting rights on the basis of adverse possession would commence from 1966 and the suit having been filed in 1975 was well within time. (Para 8)
The defendant respondent preferred Second Appeal before the High Court which was registered as Second Appeal No.202 of 1980. It is this appeal which has been allowed by the impugned judgment giving rise to the present appeal. The High Court dismissed the suit of the appellant on the ground of limitation as according to it, the defendant respondent had matured their rights or rather perfected their rights by adverse possession having continued so since 1944 when the first suit for arrears of rent was filed. We are, however, of the firm view that the High Court fell in serious error in holding so, for the following reasons
In our considered view, the plaintiff appellants got their ownership/title under the registered sale deed on 21.01.1966. The dispute for possession vis-à-vis the defendant respondents would arise only after the said date and not on any date prior to it. Admittedly from the date of the sale deed, the suit was filed within the period of 12 years in May, 1975. Even if it is assumed that the defendant respondents were in possession from prior to 1944, their possession could not have been adverse even to the Zamindars as they were tenants and their tenancy would be permissible in nature and not adverse. There were no proceedings for possession prior to 1966. (Para 9.5)
Accordingly, the appeal is allowed, the impugned judgment and order of the High Court is set aside and that of the First Appellate Court decreeing the suit for possession is maintained. (Para 10)
2024 STPL(Web) 11 SC
[2024 INSC 9]
Brij Narayan Shukla (D) Thr. Lrs. Vs. Sudesh Kumar Alias Suresh Kumar (D) Thr. Lrs. & Ors.
Civil Appeal No. 7502 of 2012-Decided on 03-01-2024.