Service Law – Discharge – Challenge on the ground that the order is stigmatic and punitive in nature and has been issued without following the due procedure prescribed under Article 311(2) of the Constitution of India or giving him an opportunity of being heard in the matter. Held: Sub-Rule 2 of Rule 21 of the Rules of 1980 permits the authorities to discharge an employee, if it is found out on subsequent verification that he was initially not qualified for the appointment or that he had furnished incorrect information with regard to its appointment.
it is settled law that fraud vitiates everything. Therefore, at any subsequent stage, if it is found out that any candidate had secured his appointment by fraudulent means, Rule 21 of the Rules of 1980 can certainly be employed to discharge such an employee from service if he/ she is still serving on officiating basis or is in probation period.
It would not be permissible for this Court to enter into a deeper enquiry into the matter merely on the basis of submission of the petitioner’s counsel by ignoring the explanation furnished by the respondents. Therefore, this Court is not inclined to embark on a process of adjudication of the aforesaid aspect of the matter at this stage. Petition dismissed. (Para 22, 33)
2023 STPL(Web) 110 Gauhati
Mrigen Haloi Vs. The State Of Assam And 3 Ors.
WP(C) 1105 of 2022-Decided on 22-9-2023