Indian Penal Code, 1860 – Section 302 – Murder – Conviction set aside – Appeal against conviction – Appreciation of Evidence – Confession not Voluntary – No forensic evidence to connect accused – Held: The prosecution case is based wholly on the confessional statement made by the present appellant and on the circumstantial evidence as there is no eye-witness to the alleged incident. The confession made by the present appellant cannot be regarded as voluntary confession and hence same has been discarded by us. – The dao, which was recovered, was not produced during trial and exhibited by any of the witness and no evidence was produced to connect the recovered dao with the crime alleged to have been committed by the present appellant, no adverse inference can be drawn merely because of the fact of recovery of a dao from the Jungle near the place of incident.
Moreover, the prosecution side has also failed to adduce any forensic or any other evidence which connects the forensic materials collected from the place of occurrence with the present appellant to show that he was present at the place of the alleged offence. The prosecution side, in a criminal trial, based on circumstantial evidence, has to fully establish the circumstances on which it relies. However, for the reasons stated in the foregoing paragraphs, we are of the considered opinion that the prosecution side has failed to fully establish the circumstance which only leads to the conclusion of the guilt of the present appellant. We are also of the considered opinion that learned Trial Court erred in arriving at a finding of guilt on the basis of tainted confessional statement of the present appellant and on the circumstances which were not fully establish by the prosecution side in the trial. Conviction set aside. (Para 44, 45)
2023 STPL(Web) 36 Gauhati
Suman Biswas@ Sumanta Biswas Vs. State Of Arunachal Pradesh And Anr
Criminal Appeal No. 60 of 2020-Decided on 11-08-2023